Angst voor de ‘wasmachine’ en grote golven zit mijn surfontwikkeling behoorlijk in de weg, daarom heb ik bij Kim aangeklopt. Ik heb met haar gesproken over deze angsten en manieren aangereikt gekregen om er iets aan te doen. Aangezien ik geen wintersurfer ben, moet ik nog even wachten om het in de praktijk te brengen en te zien wat de effecten zijn. Ik heb er iig alle vertrouwen in na de fijne sessie. Bedankt Kim!
— ♡ Renata
This winter I had three personal online fear coaching sessions with Kim. In between the sessions, I went surfing myself to practice with the tips she gave me, and the coaching made a huge difference! I feel more confident and calm in big waves and I’m enjoying these sessions much more now. You can really tell that Kim is very passionate about helping others conquer their fears. She has some solid techniques and a very structured plan for the coaching sessions. I very much enjoyed the process and am now enjoying the result of every surf session. Thank you, Kim!!
— Maaike
Hi Kim,

How are you?
Just wanted to let you know that my week in Sagres went so well! I am really grateful for everything you brought me as it helped a lot!
The 1st couple of days were a bit complicated as I had to push myself out of my comfort zone but with all the breathing and visualization exercises it went well in the end.
After 1 week I can really feel a huge improvement and I have even been able to surf actual waves. I am not 100% relaxed yet but I am way further than I have ever been and I have the feeling that it will keep on improving and enjoying :).

Again, thank you so much for everything! Being able to surf again adds so much to my life :)

Wish you the best,

— Agnès (FR)