personal fear coaching  

price: €199 for 4x one-hour sessions (online zoom calls also possible)

DON’T LET FEAR limit your success to performing better in surfing

In 2011, I almost drowned in a surf event. After that surfing was not the same again. I spent years figuring out to get over the fear. I had many different coaches, read many books, and did courses about fear management and how the brain-body mechanism works, NLP, Mental Toughness, Stoïsm, Mastering your Mindset, and breathing exercises. Slowly I found out what was working to get over fear and to progress.

I took the best part of all of them and created a complete program to find out your personal bottleneck where fear is taking over the scene.

And I’m very happy to help many others.

One of the most important things I learned is that fear totally can block your way to gaining more success or reaching the goal you had in mind.

I started my research to get over my own fears in the water. But when I got in-depth to find tools to bash my own fear, I find out that I could use those tools in many other facets of life such as entrepreneurship and as an athlete to win competitions.


Do you have a dream of surfing bigger waves, but is fear limiting you to reach that goal?

Book a PERSONAL FEAR COACHING SESSION and learn to manage your fear and reach your highest goal, overcome stress and self-doubt.

It will help you to push your limits to take that bigger wave or other fear obstacles in the ocean.